Friday, September 18, 2009

blogging from penang airport

now, i'm at penang airport...waiting fo rmy flight...actually my flight should be at 4.05pm but now i just notice when i checked their schedule, it delay to 4.40pm...huhuhu...terrible... i know now only at 1.27pm but i just ask my colleague, nuriha to send me during lunch time because she need to drive back to Kelantan..hehehe...itu alasan nye...yg sebenar2 nye, aku mmg dh tkde mood nk dok kt office tu... better aku chow skrg dr aku dok mengular je kat office...walaupun keje menimbun tp heheheh...aku dh mood raya ni...lg pun aku lah org yg plg jauh nk blk raya compare dgn yg lain mcm Azuan n Azlan...diorg tu stkt org alor star and kulim, dh tu lelaki lak...takpelah...leh lah blk lmbt... akibat kebosanan ini, aku pun blogging lah...sbnr nye takde idea nk tulis ape...just bosan je ni...huhu...

by the way, di kesempatan ini, aku ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin kepada semua yg mengenali aku especilly my frends...aku harap syawal kali ni membawa seribu kemanisan utk kite sume...kepada yg akan plg berhari raya di kmpg halaman, pandu lah dgn cermat... br lah jiwa selamat...jgn nk cepat sampai je...ingt lh org tersyg yg menunggu kepulgn anda berhari raya... aku nk memohon ampun dan maaf ats segala salah dan silap sepanjang perkenalan kite...raya ni jemputlah dtg umah tkde duit raya lah...hehehe...

selamat hari raya kepada seluruh umt islam...semoga kite menymbut syawal dgn penuh berhikmah...

Monday, September 14, 2009

hectic weekend

Really thanks to God for you gift...weekend yg plg sgt2...hehehe...these 2 days...i'm fully booked...hehehe...enjaoy smpi tk ingt yg tesis langsung tk bersentuh...hehehe... so ari sabtu aku g berbuka puase kat teluk tempoyak...then mlm tu g bt feringgi...aku beli cd...g jln2 then singgah subaidah kt tjg bungah minum2 sambil tgk MU match dgn hotspur...nsb baik MU menang... hehehe... then blk umah...sampai umah kul 2am...ape lagi...aku gayut jap dgn ernie...then zzzzzz....

ari ahad, kul 12.30pm aku dh time...aku g queensbay bershopping... aku beli blouse n a pair of heels and tshirt utk ayah aku...terima kasih ye...hehehe...then berbuka kat hammer bay then g main bowling kat BJ...then kuar blk umah kul 12 lbh...terus fully booked weekend...walaupun penat tp i'm very satisfied... arini aku terpaksa half day utk wat smpi skrg br wat satu slides je...hehehe...kemana kan hilangnye semangat perjuangan aku...huhuh....