Monday, August 25, 2008

weekand (penang-alor star-kulim-alor star-kulim-penang)

u can see from the title...tht's my weekand...ari jumaat ptg aku tumpang my colleague. kak aisyah smpi ke butterworth...smpi2 je butterworth, aku kene beratur pjg gile utk beli tiket ke alor star...mlgnye bas yg aku nk naik, tk tau lagi ade kul brape...then aku decide g sungai ernie terpaksa lah amik aku kat sungai smpi2 je umah ernie, aku mandi n terus dinner...aku mkn udang nye...sedap banget...itu lah request aku kat ernie...after dinner lepak jap then terus tido...

ari sabtu, pg2 lagi aku dh bgn sbbnye nk g kelas kat kulim...aku tumpang yani je...simple n easy...leh tahan gak jauh nk g kulim dr alor star ni...around 1 and a half hours...aku belajar subject broadband weekand ni...abis kelas, aku blk ke alor star semula, so tumpang yani lagi...penat gak disbbkan aku ni nk sgt berjln...cekal kan je hati...hahaha...smpi je alor star dh dkt kul smpi umah mandi n dinner...then kuar blk, g jitra lak...aku teringin nk makan blueberry cheesecake...aku g jitra mall and secret smpi2 je umah around 10pm...aku n ernie, wat2 lah keje yg bkn2 sket...hehehe...kami practice pki selendang...main hentam je melilit selendang tu....ahaks...janji jadi...then aku pun tido...

ari ahad, aku g kelas lagi tumpang kali ni aku terus bw beg aku sekali sbbnye dh tk blk ke alor star blk...hehehe...seperti pg semalam, tugas ernie kene anta aku kat tol alor star utara...sbbnye yani tunggu aku kat situ...smlm aku abis kelas around 4.15pm...then aku paln nk tumpang classmate aku niza smpi jetty...nk blk penang lh disbbkn die pun hubby die kami terpaksa lah tunggu hubby die mai sementara tunggu hubby die, lecturer aku pun join sekali...sbbnye lecturer aku tunggu teksi die nk g ke penang airport...lecturer aku tanye aku nk g mane...then aku ckp lah yg aku nk g blk penang naik ferry...then lecturer aku pelawa naik cab dgn die...aku ni umpama org mengantuk yg disorongkan aku terima lah pelawaan my lecturer...then smpi airport aku suh desi lak amik aku...

tht's my weekand...tired but i'm really satisfy...aku just g umah ernie, utk tumpang ernie, aku akn dtg next leh hang out dgn ko tul2 ye...takpun ko dtg lah penang ye...aku nk wat special dedication to kak aisyah, yani and dr norsheila...sbb bg aku tumpang...n memudahkn perjalanan ernie and family, really thnks a lot sbb sudi amik aku n layan aku...then sbb sudi gak fulfill kan kehendak time, aku promise akn dtg lagi umah ko ernie, tp kali ni bkn utk tmpg utk jln2...hehehe...see ya...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

my colleagues Kimi last day!!!

Today is Kimis' last day... actually his real name is CK Leong...we have a reason why we call him kimi... this is becoz he's driving like kimi raikonen...hahaha... he drove like too fast too furious car driver... but i bet u, u're still save to arrive at ur destination....this is from my own experiance... after this, he would transfer to his hometown KL... actually there's nothing to update here... this post just want to share with the readers that I really upset today... coz kimi gonna leave Motorola today...actually he's my partner in previous project... so I quite close with him as well... if you guys wanna know which one is kimi...he at the centre of the crowd who's standing beside the girl that wearing maroon scarf...that he is...our kimi...hehehe :D

Last week, Mahen already left Motorola as well...On tht time, I felt really sad... coz mahen is my ex-cubicle mate... and he's one of my best fren in motorola...he help me a lot... he always make my work easier to be done...unfortunately, i dun have a photo shot with mahen...

to mahen n kimi...a special thnks to you guys...and really sorry for everything... I'm gonna miss you guys...i just wann wish to both of them, all the best n good luck...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

so sad...

yesterday merupakan hari yg sedih bg aku...huhuhu :( best fren kt motorola ni dh pindah keje...actually yesterday merupakan last day die kat motorola...die g pindah altera...nsb baik lah altera tu just sebelah je dgn office still leh say sedih gak lah sbb die dh after this takde sesape lah yg sudi tlg aku...selalunye die lah yg selalu tlg aku cr connectors, parts and equipments...nmpk gaya nye, skrg ni aku kene lh cr agak susah sket...huhuhu...walau bagaimanpun...all the best to my fren...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

huhu...susahnya... :(

aku rase sedih sesgt arini...mcm hampeh arini...huhuhu...rase nk nangis nye...arini aku attend kelas CAD electronics...mak oi, rupe2nye course ni adalah digital system using VHDL...pening kepala aku...dr pg smpi ptg aku cube utk fhm dalam sayangnye, tetap gak tak faham...aku rase mcm nk nangis je...dh lah lecturer ni tak pernah ajar student part time die expect yg part time mampu mcm full time...giler lah...mane leh same kan full time n part time...part time dh lah week days kene g keje...then weekand br leh study n g kelas...die leh nk bagi assignment byk2...then nk wat soaln final susah...gile siot...aku rase nk meraung pun ini lah cabaran name nye...klu sume nye smooth sailing...nnt cepat lak lupe ade hikmah di sebalik kesusahan ni...tetibe aku terasa nk start study....cube di bayangkan, semenjak g kelas...aku tak pernah study bile g kelas CAD yg susah nk mampus ni...aku kene lah berusaha keras utk study n utk faham subjek ni...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

still in the office for design review...

fuih...aku baru je abis present my part kat US team...nsb baik lah takde lah byk sgt die nk tanye...then yg die tanye, nasib baik aku dh ade jwpn sbbnye dh expect yg diorg akn tanye soalan yg tk best nye kene wat conference call tgh2 mlm mcm ni...huhuhuhu... nsb baik lah boss baik hati sbbnye dia belanja dinner tadi...ptg td kami dpt mkn pizza kat office... mak oi, aku ni mmg tak sedar diri...hehehe...aku leh mkn 3 keping tu pizza... hahaha(",)... abis diet gue...ahaks...berbalik kepada my presentation...aku ni dh selalu present pun mesti ade rase cuak gak bile nk present...entah bile lah perasaan 'kanchong' ni nk hilang tah...huhuhu...kene polish lagi my skill baru2 nk start je mcm rase butterfly was flying in my stomach...hahaha...teruk tul aku ni...aku tk tau lah blk kul brape mlm ni...maybe almost 12am kot...:(...hopefully esok leh lah dtg keje lewat sket...sah2 lah aku smpi umah dh nk dkt 12.30am...then nk mandi n solat...then nk iron baju utk pki esok...almaklumlah on friday kami leh pakai bj bebas...biasenye kene pki uniform...for sure lah tido around 1am...untuk esok dah ada lah kerja2 yg bkl menanti...huhuhu...sedihnye when on friday u still have a lot of works to ape nk buat...keje kuli tk leh byk songeh...kene wat keje..klu tk, nnt kene pecat lak...dh lah skrg susah nk cr keje...hehehe...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

new layout

girls, this is my new layout...BTW, ini adalah hasil usaha Cik Emelia Khamis yg mengajar saya bagaimana nk tukar layout...klu nk harapkan aku explore sendiri, alamatnye tak dapek lah den jumpo layout yg sebegini canggih...hahaha (",)...bile dh terror ni,mulalah aku menukar mcm2... hahaha...di malam yg sunyi ni...sendirian di ruang tamu, jadi aku guna kan kesempatan yg ada for layout changing, shout box changing colour and also update my blog with my latest my loyal readers (sape lagi emy n ernie)...thnks a lot girls...aku mmg jarang update my blog is not really happening like yours...

almaklumlah kehidupan aku hanye ade kerja, study,kerja n study takde lah yg interesting sangat nk di update in this blog...klu nk cite psl keje, well like everybody knows...klu cite hal keje, alamat nye 10hari 10 mlm pun tak would non stop...selagi tak tutup mata, klu nk cite psl study pun...same je...weekand je kene travel g Kulim utk attend kelas...still attending the class except different subject or diff mls lh nk update about my study...well ni pun tk tau nk update ape...just tetibe tangan ni rajin nk menaip, so main type je lah ape yg terlintas difikiran...

actually aku on laptop sbb nk update my slides presentation...tomorrow nite ade design review with US team thru kesudahannye, slides aku tak ter'update', tp benda lain yg aku update...hahaha...itu lah yg aku mls ni nk online...gatal tangan je wat keje lain...keje yg tk the end, keje yg sepatutnye tetap terbengkalai...ok lah, got to go...mlm semakin larut, mata pun semakin better tidor dr mengarut kat sini...btw, wish my luck for my tomorrow nite presentation key...adios amigos...:P

Sunday, August 3, 2008

2nd week as a student

yesterday n today is my 2nd week as a master student...this weekand i've learnt about satellite communications...the subject is quite interesting...maybe it's becoz the lecturer also..the lecturer is really knows what he's far, i think my master is flowing smooth...but dunno lah hows the future later...hahaha...hopefully everything gonna be alright...sbnrnye takde ape pun nk update kenalh update....klu tak, ade je yg drop msg kat sebalah ni tanye bila nk update...hahaha...