arini dalam sejarah...tarikh di atas merupakan tarikh yg bersejarah bagi aku...itu lah tarikh aku mendaftar kan diri sebagai pelajar master in engineering under UTM...the registration was held at Vistana Hotel, bkt jambul...mase pagi tu aku kene bgn awal...almaklumlah nk dtg awal for my registration....aku pun tak tau camne aku leh bersemangat tetibe utk futher my study...maybe sbb ni fully sponsor by aku bersemangat lak tetibe...hehehe...aku akn wat fully coursework for my master...aku ade amik 4subjects for this semester...and I need to attend my classes on the no more weekand for me anymore...and also i need to spend all my money for my travelling from png to kulim...coz my classes wiil be held at kulim quite far juga lah dr demi ilmu di dada, aku ku tempuhi gak rintangan...hehehe... ayat2 poyo dh after this aku akn jd student for the weekand and also jd worker on the weekdays...hopefully, aku berjaya abis kan my master dlm 2thn ni seperti yg dirancang kan...kepada pembaca2 my blog or especially to my frens yg rajin bc my blog, please doakan agar aku berjaya abis kn course aku within this 2 years key...i really hope on that....
Ini permulaan 2019
5 years ago
tulah...aku kene buat azam this weekand aku blk umah utk dpt kn semangat n restu dr my parents...
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