but the relationship between the title and my story is...last weekand, i'm so mad with the boys who gave a scratches to my car...and because of this, I'm in a bad mood the whole day and it's cont to the other day... and wut happen, the person who doesnt knpow everything also "kene tempias"... hahaha...so sorry dear...I'm promise, it would never happen again... my father always said that I'm a hot tempered...hehehe....but for me, I'm not a hot tempered but I'm a drama queen...hahaha... who really close with me, they should know hows drama queen I am...hehehe... today such a lovely day for me...after a week, my lovely car with those stupid scratches...now, she pretty again... maybe next time, I need to send her for polish...at least later, she would be happy with her own skin...hahaha... :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
am I a drama queen???
but the relationship between the title and my story is...last weekand, i'm so mad with the boys who gave a scratches to my car...and because of this, I'm in a bad mood the whole day and it's cont to the other day... and wut happen, the person who doesnt knpow everything also "kene tempias"... hahaha...so sorry dear...I'm promise, it would never happen again... my father always said that I'm a hot tempered...hehehe....but for me, I'm not a hot tempered but I'm a drama queen...hahaha... who really close with me, they should know hows drama queen I am...hehehe... today such a lovely day for me...after a week, my lovely car with those stupid scratches...now, she pretty again... maybe next time, I need to send her for polish...at least later, she would be happy with her own skin...hahaha... :)
Posted by eliyana at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
EXAM and wuts a busy sem now!!!
I'm so stressful with everything now... stress with my work, study n personal life as well... but I can't blame nyone... no matter what, I need to faced this n try to solve this 1 by 1... exam is just around the corner, then currently I have a bunch of work need to be settle... It's really hard to handle 2 projects in parellel and at the same time, I need to study as well...
erm, susah nye...aku terasa susah tp ini pun utk kepentingan aku juga ...for my own future gak..tp aku mintalh...kwn, please lah...jgn wat perangai ye n hope u can understand me...hehehe... erm, pening gak kepala kebelkgn ni...tp aku bersyukur sesgt...aku bersyukur dgn ape yg Allah kurnia kan utk aku...I really hope, I can have a smooth journey in order to achieve my destiny... InsyaAllah...
Posted by eliyana at 5:56 PM 0 comments
kereta aku ade scratches... :(
malang tul nasib aku arini...arini blk dr kelas, kat bridge tgh tunggu turn nk byr tol... kete aku dpt scratches...huhuhu....tension tul...kete depan aku ni tak tau alh nape...leh mengundur then langgar lah kete aku...aku dh bunyi kn hon pun...tp entah nape lah kete tu still ngundur...kete aku tak kemek but just scratches je kat atas boot yg cover engine tu sbbnye kete depan aku ni bw papan alas meja yg mcm utk org meniaga...pas die ngundur tu, die leh je wat tak tau terus naik bridge.... aku ape lagi pas byr je tol, aku memecut n terus suh kete tu berhenti tepi...gile otai aku... hehehe... aku mmg mrh betul...aku turun je kete...aku g mrh org kete tu then minta ganti rugi... aku tgk budak2 rupenye dlm umr belasan tak pun early 20an...aku minta duit tap die ckp takde duit...dh lah diorg tu berdua...aku ni klu kene tumbuk dgn diorg leh pengsan gak...tp aku dok berani mrh2 kat budak2 berdua tu...then aku tanye camne nk settle...dia bg number fon die kat aku...suh aku contact...nnt aku contactlah...yg lagi wat aku sengal, aku tgh mrh diorg tu...leh lagi tu tanye aku brape umur aku...klu name je aku tk kesah lah... aku terus berangin lah... huhuhu... actually kene aku just calar sket je...klu diorg tu tk byr pun,aku tk kesah sbbnye scratches tu tk dlm pun...maybe after polish, hilang lah sket...tp aku sengaja je nk cr pasal td... arini aku jd berangin smpi kn sume org kene mrh dgn aku...org yg tak sepatutnye pun kene tempias gak dgn aku...tp takpelah...klu aku rajin, mlm nnt aku pujuk lah...hehehe...klu tak, aku wat dunno je...hahah
Posted by eliyana at 5:54 PM 0 comments
last weekand and 3 last weekand...1 destination - my hometown
minggu lepas n 3 minggu lepas aku blk kmpg...3 minguu lepas blk kmpg sbb satu dh lame tk blk then kedua aku nk g wedding kwn sek ren aku dulu...lg pun kwn2 aku zaman sek ren ramai yg bk time tu...so aku pun blk gak... so below are some of the photos for my frens wedding...
diorg kawen serentak...adik die kawen dgn abg kwn kitorg gak...
pi mai pi mai, tang tu jugak...
pengapit lelaki lah kawan kitorg, rezal namenye...
semoga both mempelai bahagia ke akhirnya... Amin
Posted by eliyana at 5:22 PM 0 comments
blogging from Kulim Polytechnic.
Arini aku ade kelas tp arini nye kelas kat politeknik kulim...so skrg ni tgh take a break sat... so aku pinjam laptop kak ros utk surfing...akhirnye aku bknnye surfing tp g update my blog.... hehehe... sesaje je nk post this buletin...minggu aku ade kelas instrument... smlm br je abis test n dgr presentation... arini pun cont presentation gak tp br je abis sume grup..so take 5 sat then will continue blaja kot...ku mls nk ikut diorg g koperasi or canteen sbbnye aku dh breakfats pg td... weekand ni aku tido umah kak mala (kakak yg satu kelas dgn aku)... die fellow kat poly ni... weekand ni tak larat nk berulang blk ke penang...sbbnye dh 3 minggu berturut2 aku dok travel... blk melaka, kelas then blk melaka semula... so minggu ni aku decide tumpang tido umah kak mala je... so ptg ni abis kelas br lah blk penang... ni tgh bosan2 tak tau nk wat pe...so aku lakar kan sedikit coretan.... nnt aku update my bloq dgn cite2 yg lain lak....cite g wedding n kuar dgn ernie ke melaka....hehehe... ade gak cite2 lain...tp tak mau lah cite dlm blog... i malu u...hehehe...
Posted by eliyana at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
my fav song now...this song really meaningful to me :P
Jawapanmu - Misha Omar
Terleka bila berbicara denganmuPastiku terbang tinggi ke awan biru
Bermain dengan kata-kata
Dari bibirmu itulah mimpiku selalu
Kerap kali kau muncul di ruang minda
Denganku kini kian sempurna
Bilaku terjaga kau di depan mata
Katakan saja apa yang di rasa
Kamu selalu buatku tersenyum sendiri
Ku tahu apa sebalik senyuman itulah yang ku mahu
Jawapan dari kamu
Aku selalu terkenangkan kamu
Bila kamu jauh dari diriku kamu selalu yang ku rindu
Jawapan rinduku kamu
Nyata berbeza cara kau berbicara
Ku terasa diriku istimewa
Mahuku bertanya tapi ku tak berdaya
Dah ku dekat denganmu kelu lidah membisu
Masih lagi ku tercari-cari
Dari mimpi ke mimpi hari ke hari
Nyata mulanya dari kamu
Katakan saja apa yang di rasa
Kamu selalu buatku tersenyum sendiri
Ku tahu apa sebalik senyuman itulah yang ku mahu
Jawapan dari kamu
Aku selalu terkenangkan kamu
Bila kamu jauh dari diriku kamu selalu yang ku rindu
Jawapan rinduku kamu
Selalu aku mendoakan
Agar kita disatukan
Dan kita akan
Ke akhirnya
Kamu selalu buatku tersenyum sendiri
Ku tahu apa sebalik senyuman itulah yang ku mahu
Jawapan dari kamu
Apa yang kau mahu
Itu yang ku mahu
Janganlah kau pergi
Tinggalku sendiri
Ku cari jawapan pasti
Kamu selalu buatku tersenyum sendiri
Posted by eliyana at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
what's about man???
Maybe my readers or friends surely shock with the title... sbnrnye aku pun tak tau nape aku nk tulis cite psl lelaki.... actually bknnye cerita lah just want to share my opinion and also want to ask opinion.. aku tau ade pebagai ragam bg lelaki ni... but my quest is how to understand them... I wrote this entry just depends on my own experiance... not because of the others experiance... maybe another girls can share their experiance as well... lelaki... sesungguhnye perempuan itu dicipta dr tulang rusuk lelaki bkn ukt dipijak atau pun utk disanjung tapi utk di pimpin... tp kekdg tu aku pening lah, nape susah nk memahami lelaki??? klu benar die suke, leh tak just say yes, i do like u... enough... tp kenapa mesti nk bg ayat mcm suka tp bile tanye balik diorg akn ckp "mane ade"... so guys, wut u us to expect from ur words???
lagi satu, aku rase lelaki zaman skrg kurang gentleman... maybe lah ade tp dh semakin berkurang... ape slh nye klu suke, just straightly ckp suka.. kan senang cite... aku ni klu lelaki, dh lame aku propose je org yg aku suke... tp disbbkn aku ni perempuan, kenalh tunggu org yg aku suke tu suke aku blk... entah suke ke tak... aku pun tak tau... aku nk pesan kat org tu, klu tak suke aku jgn layan aku... hehehe... ayat ugut ni... (takde lah...ni hanye lakonan semata2... aku mana ade minat org... saje nk cabar kaum lelaki...)
arini aku bosan, so entry aku agak mengarut... aku harap kwn2 setia aku yg rajin membaca blog aku ni jgn lah tension, terkejut atau begang dgn kemengarutan aku...tp aku sbnrnye ade gak terasa nk wat research about guys... they look easy but hati diorg hanye diorg or Allah je yang tau... senang kata ape yg keluar dr bibir diorg tk tally dgn ape yg ade dlm hati diorg... thts my conclusion... klu ade sesapa nk berkongsi opinion or nk membantah aku nye pendapat ni... dialu2 kan... maybe ade kaum lelaki yg akn tampil utk wat kenyataaan...hehehe... aku tk kesah... at least we can learn how to understand them... coz they all always claim women never understand men... disbbkn phrase tu, common guys please eloborate how u want us to understand u guys??? i know men from mars and women from venus... and i also knows that we're compliment to each other...
p/s: smpi skrg aku tgh tunggu aku nye complimentary...hehehe :D
Posted by eliyana at 7:42 PM 1 comments