Monday, November 2, 2009

my birthday

today is my birthday...the 2nd of nov for every year....hehehe...arini aku bertmbh usia gue jd 26 thn...dh tua...ooopppsss silap...bkn tua tp semakin mature...huahahaha...1st of all, i would like to say really thnks a lot for the friends for the birthday wishes...mana hadiah nya lor???hehehe...thn ni aku nk request ape ye dr kawan2 aku...erm...actually so many things in my head levis, new sling bag or handbag maybe, n also new shoes...erm..perfume pun mcm menarik gak...sbbnye perfume dior aku, mak aku mcm berkenan n die dh request...actually ade mcm2 lagi aku terfikir nk beli...hehehe...aku teringin nk request kete br leh???hahaha...sape yg sudi bg as a birthday gift??? hehehe...klu nk ikut nafsu shopping, mmg byk yg gue pikirin mau dibeli apa kan daya... money constraints...zaman skrg ni kene pandai berjimat cerah ms depan...huahahaha... selain dr 4 benda yg aku dok fikir tu, aku rase mcm teringin gak nk beli laptop br...hehehe... so demanding...sbnrnye aku teringin sgt2 nk request LSR camera...aku teringin nk ada satu tp my mom dh bg big warning...aku tk dibnr kn nk reward birthday aku dgn beli SLR thn ni aku akn request dr kwn2 aku either sling bag/handbag, shoes, levi's or maybe perfume... aku akn decide yg mane satu nnt...biaselah..i cant think now... not much story about my birthday...just a great wishes from parent, relatives, friends n colleagues...tu je...facebook frends pun ramai...actually facebook frens are my really frends as well...sbbnye facebbok aku hanye utk kwn2 yg aku kenal sahaja...imcm jejak kasihan lah tu..hehehe... around 25 minutes later, teh day will change to Tuesday or 3rd no more my birthday...I only left 25mins to go to celebrate my lovely birthday...