Tuesday, November 17, 2009

arini aku dipaksa cuti....

aku baru je merdeka dr exam last sunday...tp tk happy pun sbbnye kali ni my results surely the worst among the others...i really can feel it... lagi satu yg tk best gak sbbnye aku demam....so arini aku dipaksa oleh my boss n my colleagues supaya dok umah n jgn dtg office...huhuhu.... aku tau sbb ape diorg paksa aku cuti...diorang tkt aku bkl menyebarkan virus2...hahaha... smlm aku dtg office... sungguh dahsyat keadaan ku....dgn bersin and batuk...huhuhu....tu yg kene warning n dipaksa cuti...kali ni sakiat aku g klinik sampai 2 kali...1st time in house clinic...masa tu br putik2 nk demam... aku g sbbnye nk elakkan demam aku makin teruk...huhuhu...tooo bad...ubat doktor tu tk ckp kuat nk melawan virus demam aku ni...huhuhu... so aku still demam smpi arini...ari ahad jwb exam dlm keadaan demama....entah pape lh aku jwb...aku tk leh berfikir...mind blocking... smlm aku g office sbbnye mase bgn pg, aku rase mcm dh segar....rupe2 nye itu lakonan virus2 demam aku...drama queens tul depa ni... ptg smlm aku otw blk umah, singgah panel clinic...then the doctor said, my fever is up n down...bile aku dgr....patutlah...then aku kene throat infection, nose allergy and fever up n down... tension tul aku dgr...pastu doktor tu bg aku ubat sebeban utk ditelan...pg ni aku rase mcm dh sehat sket....so aku sms boss aku ckp aku msk half day sbb nye aku tk mau lah nnt aku still flu n cough in the office in the morning... then my boss reply, take a good rest and no need to come in today...huhuhu....so aku tau...ini dinamakan aku dipaksa bercuti...mati aku esok...keje aku melambk kt office ni...huhuh...