Saturday, April 24, 2010

additional dedication...

alamk, ade smbgn utk entry yg sblm my BFF ernie che mid...thnk sbb bg aku encourage utk menghabis kn master ni... then ko lah selalu jd tmpt mengadu aku... heheh... aku terpaksa menjadi pendengar setia aku...thnks coz u always by my side...u like my side kick... thnks a lot ernie...the best thing is, u r also a part of my thesis checker...hehehe... hopefully cik ernie, bc lah this entry...especially for yg pldg byk berjasa... thnks a lot dear...muah2...


eliyana said...

at least aku pujuk tau...berjaya tk pujuk ko ni...hehhe

eliyana said...
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